So I apologize but today has been verrrry long. We got up at 3am and drove to Ipswich (like 1hr and a half drive) and then caught a train to Southbank and then walked to the temple so that we could be changed and ready to go for an 8am session. It was much needed since we haven't gone in so long but I am absolutely exhausted. Especially since I'm the one who drives so I couldn't sleep in the car or anything. Neither could my wonderful co-pilot Sister Tauti whom I love, and we are both a bit loopy at the moment. So rather than try and make up something new I just copied and pasted most of my letter to my mission president. I think it describes what is going on in Toowoomba pretty well at the moment:
Things are going well in Toowoomba still. We had a new investigator come to church on Sunday, and get up and bear her testimony! She talked about how it was an answer to her prayers that we knocked on her door and invited her to church and also that the members of our ward were able to help provide her transport to get there. She is 19 years old and so ready for the gospel in her life. She also told us she is definitely bringing her family along next time(her mom sister and brother)! Our ward really stepped it up on Sunday as well as we had 5 investigators between the two companionships in the ward and it was all five of their first time at church. The ward members did such a great job at helping them feel welcome and comfortable that they all said they want to come back again this Sunday. We are working on teaching more in the members homes because we feel that that is what will really make the difference between just teaching these people and baptizing them. It was such a great Sunday, even when we found out no one had organized to teach Gospel Principles class or prepared anything and I ended up teaching with 0 time at all to prepare I just said a prayer and followed the spirit as I went through the lesson and it was one of the better ones we have had with the class participating and everything. I know I couldn't have done that on my own and I'm so glad for the spirit especially in situations like that. Just as church was about to finish a family of 5 whom we had met earlier walked into church. They are Chinese and don't really speak much English at all so we offered to take them on a church tour and thankfully Elder Pu from Darling Heights was already at the church and was able to help translate for us. So Sunday was a day of miracles!
This week has also been a miracle with some of our less actives who live farther out of town. We have been trying to get down to them and get some interest in returning to church from them for the entire time since I opened the area, (3 transfers now) and haven't had much success except with one family. This week so far we have 6 lessons scheduled in that part of the area, 5 with less active families (which most are also part-member families) and one with a new potential we found while following up on a less active family who we found out had moved. So basically the Lord is just blessing us right now with so much work and so many people to teach! It is a bit overwhelming to be honest to think that for whatever reason the Lord entrusts so many of his children to us to help guide into his fold. But I know with his help we can handle it.
Besides that transfers are happening this week. The ward is having me give a bit of a talk on Sunday. I don't know if it's that they are expecting me to get transferred or what but I hope not. So much great stuff is happening! BUt anything could happen. I will email you on Tuesday and let you know all the details of it.
Alofa Atu,
Sister Rssmussen
PS I heard the Broncos got smashed by the Seahawks!
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