Sunday, May 25, 2014

Well, This is Crazy!

You may be wondering why I'm emailing twice in one week. 
Well let's just say that immediately following me getting up from the computer at the library on Monday a lot of things changed very quickly. 
I got a call from President Henderson....that is usually not a good sign, many things run through your mind when that happens. I was worried about something bad happening back home, and thank goodness it wasn't anything like that. 
So he informed me that there was a need for an emergency transfer, and that I was going to be going back to somewhere I've been before. TOOWOOMBA???? NO.. NORTHPINE! YES. So my poor friend, Sister Parata, was serving in North Pine and she got very ill to the point of not being able to work at all and now she's in the mission home until they figure out what's wrong with her, and they sent me to her area, which is North Pine. It's my old area plus the other half of the ward because since I left they've gone back to being just one companionship in the ward.  I have a new companion named Sister Moran. She is from Melbourne, Australia (my second companion from there) and is wonderful. I am having this weird reverse culture shock kind of though because I got really used to being with Samoan sisters. Anyways the reason I'm emailing again is because for this zone their temple trip was this week, today. So I got two P-days this week kind of. I'd like to say that Mondays "P-day"  was more of an anti-preparation day though because I was not prepared for any of that. We were at the library when President called...I had just emailed him this: " So things are looking up, I'm not eager to leave Camp Hill any time soon." OH THE IRONY. Heavenly Father really does have a sense of humor. This is how you know you can't get too comfortable in your area. There was a bunch of other switches and a new sister came in from the MTC mid transfer that made it all work out for Sister Semaia to gain a new companion over there in Camp Hill and I have full confidence that they will continue to see miracles there although I am going to miss it and her. It was a really great area. North PIne area is basically completely the same except it's totally different....if that makes sense. It's really weird to move back in to my old flat and be driving around the old streets where I was trained, and look in my old area book and see my own handwriting. I've seen some of the members and people I really grew to love already though and that's been really fun. I'm not quite sure how long I'll stay here. Either I'll stay for only like 3 more weeks and then get transferred again when proper transfers are, or I'll probably stay for a while because Sister Moran goes home in one more transfer. It's weird being with a companion who has been out longer than me again and back in the area I was trained in. Sometimes I feel like I'm just back to being trained again. Especially when she knows the area and I kind of don't but kind of do, which hasn't ever happened to me because every time I've been transferred so far I've been opening the area and neither me or my companions have known what's going on. So basically moral of the story is It's been a pretty crazy week and I think I'm probably reeling a bit from all of the craziness as you can probably tell by this email which I'm not sure even makes a whole lot of sense. Going to the temple this morning was great though, nothing comes close to the peace you find in there. Hope everyone elses week has been a bit less hectic. Love you all!

Sister Rasmussen

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