Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Sister Miller
Sister Holly Memmott (from Las Vegas)

Life Down Under

G'day!  How are yous going?
Hahaha thought I'd just through some weird Aussie slang in for everyone today. They say yous here instead of y'all or you guys and say how're you going instead of how're you doing. It's nuts. I want to lose my accent but also people love to listen to me talk because of my accent so I also want to keep it because it get's peoples attention. 
Ok first off I am a dummy and gave you the wrong address of my flat. it's 1486 Anzac rd. Kallangur, QLD, Australia So Sorry for that! also Transfers end mid July and I don't know if I'll be staying or going so after June is over just send me mail to the PO box in case I move. I don't know how long it takes for mail to reach me out here from the US of A but I hope not too long. I love hearing from everyone! Especially now that I am no longer in America. 
Things here are going mucho better in some ways. My companion and I got our area all organized and set out to work hard to find some solid people to teach and this week we saw so many miracles with that. The Lord has seriously lead us straight to those people he has prepared. A lot of them have some major challenges to overcome before they can be baptized but they are so receptive and ready to hear the message and change their lives. One thing that I love is that we are working with several families, and I love that we can work with the entire family to bring them all closer to Christ together. Michelle will love that I am teaching so many families with 10 year old girls! I have four 10 year old girl investigators right now and they are all so awesome! I would say the most solid investigators we are teaching right now are 10 year old girls. They are just so excited about church, and praying, and learning more about God that they are really being examples to their whole families and leading their families down the right path. I know that Heavenly Father placed those special little girls into their families because he knew they would be able to help bring their families the gospel. I so wish Michelle could just come out here and help me with teaching them and being all of their friend! 
Another awesome miracle that has happened this week is the ward we are working with. When we got to the area the sisters I work with told us the ward isn't that good, not willing to help, and not into missionary work. The missionaries have been uninvited to ward council and just all these bad things. So sister Vaipulu and I decided that we would find out that for ourselves and we would try not to go into it with any preconcieved idea of the ward, but just work really hard and show a lot of initiative to try to change the wards perception of missionary work by showing them that we are here to help and work hard. So we have really tried hard to get the ward involved and build relationships with the ward members. We decided if the bishop wouldn't let us come to ward coucil we would just bring ward council to them. And it's crazy how well the ward has responded! Everyone here was I think just waiting to get some missionaries who would take the initiative and get things going. We have had members coming out with us to all our lessons and been to relief society activity and taught a young womens activity about missionary work already as well as a lot of other things like that. It has been awesome. I can tell that the work here is going to start progressing so much because the ward is getting excited about it. 
We went to the temple today (Wednesday) and so P-day was moved to today which is why I didn't write on Monday, and because of transfers and mid transfers I'm not sure my P-day will always be Monday the rest of this transfer but it should be. The temple here is really small but BEAUTIFUL and we got to take the train into the city which was really cool. Brisbane is a beautiful city and I really hope I get to serve in the middle of the city sometime. I will send a bunch of pictures. Anyways things down under are great and I hope things at home are too! 
Much love,

Sister Rasmussen

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